Revealed: How Chico’s Development Decisions Are Fueling a Climate Disaster

Published: August 14, 2024

Revealed: How Chico's Development Decisions Are Fueling a Climate Disaster


The Unseen Impact of Urban Expansion

As I packed my office in Butte Hall, I stumbled upon a map titled “The Clif Sellers Years.” This map showcased Chico’s dramatic expansion, doubling its size from 4.2 square miles in 1872 to 31.9 square miles today. Decades of growth were highlighted, emphasizing the city’s rapid urban sprawl.

While this growth was celebrated, it coincided with a massive increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Over half of the emissions ever produced by humans have occurred since the 1980s. Our lifestyle choices, particularly in transportation, have significantly contributed to this rise in emissions.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mandates that local governments analyze the environmental impacts of their land use decisions. The Environmental Impact Report for Chico’s General Plan, adopted in 2011, acknowledged that the plan would result in a net increase in greenhouse gases. Transportation remains a major culprit in these emissions.

Despite recognizing the detrimental effects on the climate, the city council issued a “CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations” to approve the plan, citing economic benefits as the rationale. Economic gains were prioritized over environmental concerns, a decision that continues to haunt us.

The Controversial Valley’s Edge Development

The Valley’s Edge development required a separate Environmental Impact Report due to its deviation from the 2011 Plan’s compact urban form. This report concluded that the development would increase vehicle miles traveled by approximately 84,000 miles per day, exacerbating the climate crisis. Once again, the city council issued a Statement of Overriding Considerations.

For over a decade, the city has admitted that its development plans would harm the climate but has persisted nonetheless. The economic benefits were deemed more important than the long-term environmental impacts, a decision that jeopardizes future generations.

As I witness the Park Fire’s smoke plume, it’s clear that climate change is fueling these disasters. The fire’s rapid spread to Tehama County is a stark reminder of the urgent need for action. Climate change is pushing us towards more frequent and severe fires.

During the Valley’s Edge hearing, a former Planning Commission Chair claimed that increases in greenhouse gases are inevitable. However, the city’s consultant publicly rebuked her, emphasizing that solutions exist. We must change our approach and embrace sustainable growth.

A Roadmap to a Sustainable Future

The Chico Climate Action Plan offers a comprehensive strategy to address these challenges. Key initiatives include:

  • Promoting energy efficiency
  • Increasing renewable energy use
  • Enhancing public transportation

These strategies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving the quality of life for residents. Sustainable practices are essential for a healthier future.

We cannot continue to grow our way out of problems using more land and resources. The solutions are within our reach, but they require collective effort and leadership.

The climate crisis is a result of our choices, and we have the power to change direction. A new generation of leaders is essential to guide us towards a more sustainable future. We must act now to make a difference.

Embracing the Chico Climate Action Plan is a vital step in this journey. By prioritizing sustainable land use and energy practices, we can pave the way for a brighter future. Let’s commit to making a positive impact on our climate.

The Call for New Leadership

The need for change has never been more pressing. Our current trajectory is unsustainable, and it is up to us to alter our course. New leadership is critical in this endeavor.

We must re-evaluate our priorities and place the environment at the forefront of our decision-making processes. Economic benefits should not come at the expense of our planet’s health. Balanced development is key.

The future of our climate depends on the actions we take today. By fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship, we can ensure a healthier planet for future generations. Every action counts.

Let us rally together to demand better policies, advocate for sustainable practices, and support leaders who prioritize environmental health. We can make a difference if we unite for a common cause.


  • Is the Valley’s Edge development really worth the environmental cost? Seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

  • Chico needs to step up its game in public transportation to reduce those vehicle miles!

  • Why can’t we find a balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability?

  • Does the Chico Climate Action Plan have any real teeth, or is it just another set of empty promises?

  • elizabethseraphim

    Great insights! Thank you for shedding light on this critical issue. 🙏

  • So frustrating to see that economic gains are always prioritized. When will the environment come first?!

  • Can we really trust the city council if they keep issuing Statements of Overriding Considerations? 🤔

  • Wow, I had no idea about the extent of Chico’s expansion. This is alarming!

  • How could the city prioritize economic benefits over environmental health? Isn’t this short-sighted?

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