Kamala Harris Surprises with Bold Climate Moves: What Big Oil Fears Most

Published: August 18, 2024

Kamala Harris Surprises with Bold Climate Moves: What Big Oil Fears Most


Harris’ Bold Moves Against Big Oil

Vice President Harris has a remarkable history of challenging major oil corporations. As California’s top law enforcement, she confronted the state’s massive oil industry, utilizing well-established laws to address severe cases of air and water pollution. Her actions have consistently showcased her commitment to environmental justice.

In 2016, Harris joined 16 other attorneys general to investigate ExxonMobil for misleading the public about climate change risks. Although she never sued Exxon, her efforts laid the groundwork for other states to pursue litigation. Harris also secured multi-million dollar settlements from companies for environmental violations, highlighting her fearless approach.

Her tenure as attorney general saw her suing companies over leaky underground gasoline storage tanks and joining criminal cases against oil spills. Harris even opposed fracking in the Pacific Ocean, winning a significant case in 2022. This demonstrated her willingness to challenge decisions, even from fellow Democrats.

RL Miller, president of Climate Hawks Vote, praises Harris’ courage, calling it a “fearless” stance. Harris’ actions against entrenched interests, such as Chevron’s proposed refinery expansion, further solidify her reputation as a leader willing to take bold steps for climate justice.

Championing Climate Solutions

Harris’ advocacy for the Inflation Reduction Act stands out as one of her significant contributions. The $370 billion package, aimed at clean energy incentives, saw Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. This act underscores her pivotal role in advancing transformational climate legislation.

Despite its potential, many Americans remain unaware of the act’s benefits. Polls indicate that 71% of U.S. adults either doubt its impact or lack sufficient information. Harris’ challenge now is to effectively communicate the positive economic impacts of this federal investment in clean energy.

During her campaign, Harris highlighted real-world examples of the act’s benefits. Visiting energy-efficient homes in Charlotte, North Carolina, she emphasized how these initiatives reduce energy bills and improve quality of life. Such narratives resonate with everyday Americans and showcase the tangible benefits of climate action.

Key highlights of the Inflation Reduction Act include:

  • Incentives for clean energy adoption by consumers and businesses
  • Significant investment in community-based climate projects
  • Programs ensuring disadvantaged communities benefit from clean energy initiatives

Through these efforts, Harris aims to bridge the gap between policy and its real-world impact, emphasizing the importance of clean energy investments for all communities.

Redefining International Climate Diplomacy

Harris’ international climate diplomacy has been marked by significant achievements. She has spearheaded U.S.-Caribbean clean energy initiatives, promoted carbon-free technologies in Thailand, and supported sustainable fishing in the Philippines. These efforts highlight her commitment to global climate solutions.

Critics, however, argue that such international focus detracts from domestic environmental issues. Despite this, Harris’ initiatives have positioned U.S. industries favorably on the global stage. Her ability to navigate international climate policies has been crucial in promoting global cooperation.

During her climate diplomacy trip to Africa, Harris emphasized reframing the U.S.-Africa narrative. She announced $7 billion in commitments for climate resilience and adaptation in Africa, demonstrating her focus on long-term global partnerships.

At Panuka Farm in Zambia, Harris witnessed firsthand the benefits of solar-powered farming and advanced agricultural techniques. Her engagement with local farmers showcased her dedication to promoting sustainable practices and addressing climate challenges in developing countries.

Navigating Fossil Fuel Politics

Harris faces critical decisions regarding fossil fuel development in the U.S. Although the majority of oil and gas production occurs on private lands, presidential authority over public lands and waters remains significant. Harris’ stance on projects like the Willow oil-drilling project in Alaska will be closely scrutinized.

Biden’s administration has made strides in restricting fossil fuel development, including halting the Keystone XL pipeline and expanding protections in the Arctic. However, Harris will need to balance these actions with the economic interests of fossil fuel-producing states.

The LNG moratorium, a contentious issue, highlights the administration’s mixed signals on fossil fuel policies. Harris’ position on this matter will be pivotal in shaping her climate agenda. Her ability to navigate these complex decisions will be crucial in maintaining support from both climate activists and economic stakeholders.

Despite the challenges, Harris’ campaign has garnered endorsements from progressive climate groups. Her ability to inspire hope and enthusiasm among younger voters and climate activists positions her as a candidate capable of advancing the nation’s climate goals.


  • ArianaEssence

    Keep pushing, Kamala! We need strong climate action now more than ever! 😊

  • skylar_empyrean0

    Does anyone know if these climate moves will affect job markets in fossil fuel industries?

  • JackQuantum

    Hahaha, Big Oil must be shaking in their boots! Go Kamala!

  • GingerEclipse3

    Why didn’t she sue Exxon when she had the chance? Seems like a missed opportunity.

  • Cameron

    Her international efforts are commendable, but shouldn’t she focus more on domestic issues first?

  • I’m curious, how exactly does the Inflation Reduction Act benefit everyday Americans?

  • MuffinAstral

    Can’t believe she opposed fracking in the Pacific and won! That’s some serious dedication. 😲

  • morgangenesis

    Thank you, Kamala, for standing up for our planet! We need more leaders like her. 💚

  • zachary7

    Isn’t it risky to challenge such powerful industries? What do you think are the potential repercussions?

  • DavidMystic7

    Wow, Kamala really taking on Big Oil! Do you think this will lead to more sustainable energy policies? 🌍

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